Forum Topics Started

Viewing 19 topics - 1 through 19 (of 19 total)
  • Free Premium Membership (Limited Time)!

    We have a new feature it’s a paid membership option (“Premium Membership”). We only need ~20 premium members every month to cover the cost of hosting our community.

    Right now it is a FREE Lifetime Premium Membership for anyone who asks. That’s because there’s only a few of you original members who have been helping me build this site. I appreciate your help and you will never have to pay for anything on this site. BIG HUGS!

    Who wants it?

    in: Announcements

  • How to fix missing images…

    For some reason when we imported the 41K posts from G+, about 10K of them did not have their featured image set. This makes the posts look broken in the activity feeds. I’ve added a piece of code that will fix the image AFTER it has been viewed.

    I viewed all of the pages and it generated a bunch of featured images. I ended up deleting ~4,500, so out new total is something like 36,726 rescued posts!

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    New Feature: Hashtags!

    Include the author’s name in a #hashtag if you know who created the artwork.

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    New Feature: Social Sharing

    There are now social sharing buttons on the post detail page and also with the comment area of the activity feed items. Help promote Fantasy Art Village by sharing your favorite posts on your other social networks! Let us know if there’s a missing network you would like added.

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    Archive is open for business!

    How do we see the 36,000 posts that we rescued from our Google+ community, you ask?? One of the menus for the archive is at the top and named “Archive.” Under that menu you will find links to all of the original categories and the images in each.

    NOTE: There is still an issue with about 10% of the posts not having the “Featured Image” set and this makes it look broken on some pages. It is NOT broken! …it just needs to be fixed. 🙁 Be patient and I will try to save those posts also.

    There’s another set of menus/links on the “Members Slide-Out Tab” (at the bottom). Here are options to view the archive by category (same as top menu except “dynamic” which means any new categories will be displayed here automatically). There is also a menu to view all of the historic posts by MONTH. This goes all the way back to when we started the community in June of 2013!

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    New Feature: Social Login!

    Login or register with any of your other social network accounts!

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    Images in Comments!

    New Feature: We can now include images in the comments. I still have some testing to do but it appears to be working correctly so far.

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    New Rating System & Favorites!

    Instead of stars or pluses, we now have “reactions” (like Facebook). It was difficult to get the plugin working, so we’re going to call this finished. I can change the graphics at anytime.

    The neat thing is that it counts all “reactions” together. So, it’s like a “plus” no matter which emoji you choose.

    Another built-in feature of the software is “Favorites.” It was a little confusing because they were using a heart icon and that could easily be confused with the “love” emoji. I changed it to a star. This can be used for something like “Community Favorites” when a lot of members mark it as their favorite. This can also be used to find that post again later. There will be a link to show all of the posts you have selected as a favorite. Fun stuff!

    HIDDEN TRICK: If you click on the bubble which shows the number of reactions, it will open a floating window that shows which reaction each person picked.

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    Isotope’n w/ 50 posts per page!

    The site will get slower if we display too many images on the homepage. However, more is better, right?? We started with 20, then I turned it up to 40, and now I have it set to 60 (again). Lots of sliding & shuffling going on!

    More is better right?? …if it doesn’t slow down too much??

    There will be many more ways to view and sort the data.

    In the future we may have an “infinite load more” where it will just keep showing more images as you keep scrolling down. Another option will be to have a “show more” button that will keep adding 10 or 20 more at a time until your browser crashes.

    We’re done for now! There’s more important stuff to deal with so now we’re going to call it finished on the homepage “Isotope-Masonry” layout. Hopefully it will work more reliably now.

    I can add more sort buttons if we need them. I just added sort by “has comments.” This might help make it easy to find posts people are discussing.

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    Sliding around nicely? Fun?

    It is a very complicated thing we have making all the image-cards slide around. I have not seen another community or group that has anything like this. I like it. Fun!

    This was a huge task to get this implemented and working correctly. I hope it is sliding and sorting for everyone.

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    Navigation is on “Slide-Out Tabs” now!

    Want as much space for the artwork as possible. Don’t want to scroll-down to get to it.

    Decided to put a lot of the navigation and widgets in “slide-out tabs.” Want our site to display well on mobile so we needed a navigation that will work on all devices. There are still some problems with very low resolutions (such as some phones) but I’ll get that fixed eventually.

    Not sure what will go into all of the sliders but if they start getting crowded, can always add more.

    Picked colors from our default pallet so the tabs and buttons don’t overpower the artwork. 😉

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    How does moderation work?

    Click the “Ban” icon if you think something is not appropriate for our community. You will no longer see the item (but others still will). If enough members click the ban icon, the item will no longer be seen by anyone and it will be submitted for admin review.

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    Instant Messenger Installed and Working

    I’ve added a chat box to the site. I’m testing how much power it will take and deciding if we should keep it. I like it.

    Sometime when there’s a few people online at the same time, you should feel free to give it a try and let me know if you think it is a nice feature to have.

    The chat does not automatically refresh the list of online members. I switched this off because it was annoying. It’s easy to just click the refresh button whenever you want.

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    Looks good with posts. 🙂

    Good job everyone. The site looks really good with new posts in it!!

    Sorry it’s taking me so long to finish the site. It’s hard. I thought it would be worth the effort to make all of the images slide around. I had some success. Each time I add something it breaks. I’m sure that eventually I can get it working on all pages. This will make it easy to view our amazing archive of 40,000 posts (5+ years).

    Make the site work well for all devices is another thing I’m working on. It’s mostly phones, tablets, and laptops now. The menu will be the same for all. It can be opened and closed by clicking on the tab or on the button at the top. We don’t want to use up space for a navbar that we only use once in awhile?? I wan the homepage to have as much action as possible.

    The new layout is “responsive” which means it will change size depending upon the resolution of your device. On small devices there will be only two columns but on much larger screens, there are up to 7 columns!! This should make it easier to enjoy all the art.

    How many images are shown on the homepage makes a big difference on how fast the site will load. Right now, I have it set to display 40 images. I tested it with 80 and it was awesome! For now it needs to be lower while I test stuff.

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    Any Mod can post an announcement!

    Give it a try. If you are a moderator from our G+ community, let’s make sure that you’re a Mod on this new website of ours! If you can NOT create a new topic in the announcement forum, then try adding a comment to this topic in the forum. Otherwise, find some other way to let me know.

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    We allow all types of FANTASY art now!

    Originally, Fantasy Art Village was for sexy or erotic illustrations and photos. Now, as we launch our new community, we will be allowing all types of fantasy artwork. However, we request that if you will only be posting a specific TYPE of artwork, then please create or join a group and post there.

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    Be sure to use the suggestion box!

    Let me know what you like or don’t like about the new website. Opinions welcome.

    in: Announcements

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    What are the ranks and points required for each?


    Recruit: 0
    Apprentice: 500
    Grunt: 1,000
    Chiefy: 2,500
    Mud Puppy: 5,000
    Buck Sergeant: 10,000
    Lieutenant: 20,000
    Commander: 50,000
    Full-Bird: 75,000
    Admiral: 100,000

    in: Frequently Asked Questions

  • Zeke Roman posted a topic 5 years ago

    Media in post?

    What about it?

    in: Suggestion Box


Viewing 19 topics - 1 through 19 (of 19 total)